General Compliance Report

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General Compliance Report

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After a Qualitative Profile report has been generated, you might want to know which worksheets are contributing to the Yes, No or Total columns. The General Compliance Report is designed to list these Worksheets along with the Header and / or Criterion Field values. The report can be used to report on:


Yes: Displays only those Worksheets that are compliant (Yes).


No: Displays only those Worksheets that are non-compliant (No).


N/A: Displays only those Worksheets that are not applicable (N/A).


All: Displays all records.


Only those criterion whose Filter has been specified as On in Working With Topics And Criterion will be reported. A profile can be created with all Criterion turned on for flexible reporting.


Clicking on the criterion collapses all the worksheets under it. Comments can be added to the criterion by right clicking on the 'Description' . To add a comment to the report right click on '[END OF REPORT]'.



General Compliance Report



Report Columns


Columns which appear in this report can be controlled by the users from the Managing Review Template Assignment dialog box.