Version 5.0.5

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Version 5.0.5




Released On: January 1st, 2012


This document lists the upgrades done in Version 5.0.5. Major changes in the version include:


Requires SQL Server 2005 or better.


Requires installation of new Plato Archive database.




1.Find Fields: Ability to find fields in worksheet field and review template assignment dialogs.


2.Import facility specific Attribution Types Attribution type objects can now be imported for a given facility in a multi-facility implementation.


3.Graph Exception: Exception was thrown from graph toolbar buttons when no graph was present on the canvas. This issue has been resolved.


4.Saving Global Reports: When saving reports from global they did not show up in the saved folder, without refreshing. This issue has been resolved.


5.Review Template selection in report analyzer dialog: Sometimes an error used to thrown when deselecting a review template from the report and analyzer topics tab. This issue has been resolved.


6.Error in Worksheet Field dialog: In worksheet fields dialog, when adding if type other than Attribution Type was chosen, and thereafter clicking in Attribution type list used to give an error. This issue has been resolved.


7.Custom platouser password: SQL login 'platouser' password can now be changed to any password if the IT requires to have their own passwords for SQL logins.


8. Buffer lengths increased for all procedures that use varchars for building SQL Statements


9. Analyzer fix for maintaining sort order for criterion