Expression Editor

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Expression Editor

Expression Editor

The Expression Editor allows you to edit various Boolean or regular expressions in controls:


In this editor, you can type an expression manually, or select functions, operators and operands using the editor's controls.

An expression is a string that, when parsed and processed, evaluates some value. Expressions consist of column/field names, constants, operators and functions. Column/field names must be wrapped with brackets. The following are examples of regular expressions:

"[Quantity] * [UnitPrice] * (1 - [BonusAmount])"

"[FirstName] + ' ' + [LastName]"

Boolean expressions:

"[Country] == 'USA'"

"[OrderDate] > #8/16/1994# AND [Quantity] > 20"

The Expression Editor supports numerous standard functions, allowing you to easily perform different string, date-time, logical and math operations over data. You can access the available functions by selecting the Functions category.

See Also

Expression Operators, Functions and Constants