Installing Server Components for Version 5.X

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Installing Server Components for Version 5.X


For information on installing the Version 6 server components click here.




PDA Professional system setup installs PDA databases and other server modules on the server. This installation needs to happen before any of the clients can be installed. This installation is done on the server machine.


PDA Professional does not need an application server, but if dictated by your organizational policies, we can install server files on a server other than the server where SQL Server is hosted. In such a case the application server merely acts as a file server. Our most typical installs host the server files and SQL server on the same server.




SQL Server 2005 / 2008R2 / 2012 installed with its own instance preferably an instance called 'PLATO'

.Net Framework 4.0+


Steps for Version 5.X


1.Launch the PDA Professional system setup.


2.From the Welcome To Plato Data Analyzer Professional System Setup dialog, click 'Next'.


3.From the Plato Data Analyzer Professional Root Directory dialog, you may accept the default installation directory or change it using the 'Browse' button.

a.If the directory is changed, it is recommended that 'Production' be used at the end of the path for production (non training) systems.

b.As the directory specified here will be asked for in the remaining setup programs, it is suggested that it be written down for future reference, click 'Next'.


4.From the Plato Data Analyzer Professional System Database Options dialog, you may accept the default installation directory or change it using the 'Browse' button.

a.The directory displayed here will be the directory specified in the prior step with the word 'Data' at the end of the path. This is where the PDA Professional SQL Databases will be installed. Unless it is recommended by your DBA it or is otherwise necessary, this should not be changed, click 'Next'


5.From the Plato Data Analyzer Professional System Database Transaction Logs dialog, you may accept the default installation directory or change it using the 'Browse' button.

a.The directory displayed here will be the directory specified in the prior dialog. This is where the PDA Professional SQL Database Transaction Logs will be installed. Unless it is recommended by a DBA or is otherwise necessary, this should not be changed, click 'Next'.


6.From the Plato Data Analyzer Professional Database Setup dialog, fill in the Instance Name. The default Instance Name is 'PLATO', click 'Next'.

a.The setup program will attempt to validate the instance name and the SA password. If successful, it will proceed to the next dialog. If it is unsuccessful, you will again be prompted for a valid instance name.


7.At the Plato Data Analyzer Professional System Directory screen, you may accept the default installation directory or change it using the 'Browse' button, click 'Next'.

a.The directory displayed here will be the directory specified in the Data Analyzer Professional Root Directory with the word 'System' at the end of the path. This is where the PDA Professional System and Report files will be installed. Unless it is recommended or is otherwise necessary, this should not be changed.

b.This is the folder for which share needs to be created with full access rights for PDA user.


8.From the Start Copying Files dialog, verify that Current Settings reflects the setup options that you specified. If not, click 'Back' to change any setup options. If you are satisfied with the current settings, click 'Next' to begin copying the files to your computer.


9.When the setup program completes copying the files, it will perform the attachment of Plato Data Analyzer Professional databases, and installation of database users and roles. When it has completed these tasks successfully, installation will be complete.


10. After installation is complete, share needs to be created which will be accessed by the PDA user.

a.Identify the users or the user group that will use PDA Professional

b.Create a network share that points to the directory specified as the Plato Data Analyzer Professional System Directory. If defaults have been accepted it should be 'c:\Program Files\PDAPro\Production\System'.

c.It is recommended that share be called 'PDAProSystem'. Record the share name as it will be entered as one of the location parameters in the client setup program. Allow PDA Professional users or user group full access rights on the share. If you wish to test initial program functionality and client connectivity, set the permissions for the share to allow access to everyone, and then later harden the system as necessary.




Although not a requirement, it is highly recommended that a backup strategy be employed to ensure the ability to restore the critical Plato Data Analyzer Professional databases should the need arise.


There are two batch files installed into the Plato Data Analyzer Professional System directory named StartPlatoSQL.bat and StopPlatoSQL.bat. These batch files simply start and stop the SQL Server Engine Plato Instance respectively so that the attached databases may be closed and treated as ordinary files. This way they may be backed up directly using the computer’s tape backup system or copied over to a network location where they may be backed up via the facility’s backup methods.


To use the batch files, simply invoke them from the particular version of Windows’s Task Scheduler. Issue a call to PlatoStopSQL.bat when it is certain that no users will be using the system, e.g. after midnight, and issue a call to PlatoStartSQL.bat before the users expect to use the system, e.g. before the start of the business day.


Along with SQL data backup you need to also backup all the files from the system folder. If defaults have been accepted it should be 'c:\Program Files\PDAPro\Production\System'. A more sophisticated backup scheme for SQL databases can be implements using SQL Agent or customer's own backup strategy.


Backing up and restoring is the responsibility of the customer.


Plato DBCC


Plato DBCC (Database Consistency Check) performs consistency checks on SQL database and logs results in the windows event log. Optionally it can also email you the results. This will ensure that the Plato data is in good health and there is no corruption. Once configured the application runs as a service and does not require any user intervention. The application can be scheduled to run daily, weekly, monthly or one time.


Plato DBCC needs to be installed on the same server where SQL Server is running. Download the installation program from the link provided to you and install it with the default options. This requires the installation of .NET Framework version 4.0+ and the install program will notify you if it is not already installed on your server. (Installation of .NET framework may require a reboot). Once installed Plato DBCC is installed as a service and its configuration program can be accessed from the Start Menu->Program Files->Plato DBCC Configuration and its help file can be accessed from the help button.


You will need the following information prior to install.


SMTP Server: Your email server, which will be used to send notification emails.

SMTP Username (optional): If your SMTP Server requires authentication, its username.

SMTP Password (optional): If your SMTP Server requires authentication, its password.

Email Address 1: Email address of 1st person who wishes to be notified of the results.

Email Address 2 (optional): Email address of 2nd person who wishes to be notified of the results.


If Plato DBCC returns errors consult your DBA immediately. Since your facility owns the Plato databases, you will be responsible for maintaining their integrity. Plato DBCC is a CPR Technologies offered tool to assist you in this task. However, CPR Technologies is not responsible for any database corruption that may happen due to external hardware or software failures.