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This panel displays the schemas of a report’s data sources.

Field List

Right-click a data source to access its settings. For instance, you can add the data source to the Report Gallery to reuse it in other reports.

Field List - Add Data Source to Report Gallery

The Field List allows you to do the following:

Enter a search string in the search box. The Field List filters fields and tables to match the entered string.

Field List - Search

Drop a field onto a report's surface to create a new report control bound to this field.

Field List - Drop Field Onto the Surface

Drop a field onto an existing report control to bind this control to the field.

Field List - Drop Field Onto a Control

Hold the CTRL key when you drop a field on top of an existing control to keep the control's current data binding setting. In this case, a new report control is created.

Field List - Drop Field Onto a Control and Keep Binding

Select which control to create

Do any of the following:

Hold the SHIFT key when you drop a data field onto the report surface.

Right-click a data field and drop it onto the report surface.

This invokes a context menu where you can select which control to create.

Field List - Select Which Control to Create

Drop an entire data table onto the report to create a report table with columns bound to the data table's fields.

Field List - Drop Table

Hold the CTRL or SHIFT key to select multiple data fields in the Field List. Drop these fields onto the report to create a report table that only has the selected fields.

Field List - Select Specific Fields

Hold the SHIFT key when you drop the selected fields onto the report to only create column headers. This creates a new table whose cells display the selected field names. Alternatively, you can drag and drop fields with the right mouse button.

Field List - Create Column Headers

The Field List can help you do the following:

Add calculated fields to data tables.

Field List - Add Calculated Field

Add report parameters or change existing parameters.

Field List - Add Report Parameter