Qualitative Profile

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Qualitative Profile

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Qualitative Profile report is the first in the set of the Qualitative Profile reports. This report can be a starting point for data analysis, and is designed to report the compliance for a Criterion. The Qualitative Profile report can be customized to meet various needs; when the data is filtered by a Practitioner it becomes a 'Practitioner Qualitative Profile', similarly when filtered by 'Department' it becomes 'Department Qualitative Profile' and so on.


To understand which Criterion gets reported see Filter section in Topics And Criterion. Reports can be saved for future recall. For more on this, see Saving And Recalling.


Clicking on the Parent Criterion 'Description' collapses the criterion and sub-criterion under it. Comments can be added to the criterion by right clicking on the 'Description'. By right clicking on '[END OF REPORT]' you may add a comment to the report.


Qualitative Report


Report Columns


Description: Topic's And Criterion's long description.


Threshold: Threshold as defined in Topic Editor


Yes / No: Total Compliance (Yes) or Total Non-compliance (No) depending upon what was chosen for 'Report On' in Selecting Report Parameters dialog.


Total: Total number of Criterion evaluated.


%: Percentage of Compliance (Yes) or percentage of Non-compliance (No) depending upon what was chosen for 'Report On' tab in Selecting Report Parameters dialog. 'N/A' is shown when Total is zero.


Note: Criterion that does not meet the threshold is in red so as to be easily identified.