Dashboard Designer

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Dashboard Designer

The Dashboard Designer provides an intuitive UI that facilitates data binding and shaping, and layout design. Many of these normally complex tasks can be accomplished with a simple drag-and-drop operation, allowing you to start creating dashboards immediately.


Creating Dashboards

The following topics will guide you through the process of creating a dashboard.

Creating Dashboard Items and Binding to Data

Data Shaping




Conditional Formatting


Dashboard Layout

Undo and Redo Operations

Automatic and Manual Updates


Printing and Exporting

The Dashboard Designer provides the capability to print or export the individual items of a dashboard, as well as the entire dashboard.

Printing and Exporting

Dashboard Items

Dashboard items are used to present information in various ways, including charts, grids, cards and gauges. For more information, see the topic below.

Dashboard Items

UI Elements

The topics in this section describe the main elements of a Dashboard Designer application.

UI Elements