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The Dashboard Designer provides the capability to apply formatting to dashboard item elements whose values meet the specified condition. This feature allows you to highlight specific elements using a predefined set of rules.
To learn more about specifics of using a conditional formatting feature for different dashboard items, see the following topics.
•Conditional Formatting - Grid
•Conditional Formatting - Pivot
The current topic describes the following common concepts.
•Conditional Formatting Overview
Comparison rules used in conditional formatting can be divided into the following groups.
•Value - Allows you to compare static values (such as Greater Than, Less Than, Between, etc.).
•Top-Bottom - Highlights a specific number of topmost/bottommost values.
•Average - Highlights values above the average value or below the average value.
•A Date Occurring - Allows you to highlight date-time values that fall into a specified interval.
•Expression - Allows you to use complex conditions to apply formatting. You can also pass dashboard parameters to expressions.
•Icon Ranges - Allows you to apply formatting by displaying specific icons for different ranges of values. You can select a predefined set of icons or use a specific icon for each range.
•Color Ranges - Allows you to apply formatting using specific colors for different ranges of values. You can select a predefined set of colors or use custom appearance settings to highlight values within specified ranges.
•Gradient Ranges - Allows you to apply formatting using gradient color scales.
•Bar - Allows you to visualize numeric values using bars. You can also color bars corresponding to positive and negative values using different colors.
•Bar Color Ranges - Allows you to visualize numeric values using bars whose colors are contained in the specified color set.
•Bar Gradient Ranges - Allows you to visualize numeric values using bars whose colors are contained in the specified color gradient.
You can create comparison rules for measures or dimensions. The table below lists format conditions that can be applied to different types of data items.
Data Item |
Supported Format Conditions |
Measure/numeric Dimension |
string Dimension |
Value with the condition type set to Equal To, Not Equal To or Text that Contains |
date-time Dimension |
A Date Occuring for dimensions with the continuous date-time group interval |
To create a new rule used to apply formatting according to the required condition, do the following.
1.Choose a measure/dimension by whose values a format condition will be calculated. Click the measure/dimension menu button, select Add Format Rule and choose the condition.
2.This invokes the dialog that depends on the selected format condition and the type of dashboard item. For instance, the image below displays the Greater Than dialog corresponding to the Value format condition for the Grid dashboard item.
In this dialog, specify settings specific for the selected condition (for instance, specify a value to compare with dimension/measure values). To learn more, see the documentation for the required condition.
3.Specify appearance settings applied to elements whose values meet the specified condition.
4.Specify the data item to whose values conditional formatting is applied using the Apply to combo box. Thus, you can create a format rule for one data item and apply new appearance settings to the other data item. You can also create format rules for hidden measures and apply formatting to values of visible data items.
Different dashboard items can provide additional capabilities for creating a new format rule. To learn more, refer to documentation for the required dashboard item.
When creating a new format rule, you can select the required appearance settings applied according to the current format condition. All format conditions allow you to customize appearance settings in a similar manner. For instance, the Value format condition allows you to specify appearance settings in the following way:
•The Appearance tab allows you to choose the predefined background color/font.
•The Icons tab allows you to add the predefined icon.
•Use the Custom Appearance area in the Appearance tab to add presets containing custom appearance settings. To add a new preset, click an empty square. This invokes the Custom Style Settings dialog, allowing you to specify the required appearance settings.
In this dialog, you can specify the backgoround/foreground colors and font settings. Click Create to add a preset. The created preset will be displayed in the Custom Appearance area.
To edit format rules for the selected dashboard item, click the Edit Rules button in the Home ribbon tab.
As an alternative, use the Edit Rules data item's menu item or the corresponding item in the dashboard item's context menu.
This invokes the Edit Rules dialog containing existing format rules for this dashboard item.
This dialog allows you to perform the following actions.
•To edit the selected rule, use the Edit button or double-click the required rule.
•To delete the selected rule, use the Delete button.
•To reorder format rules, use the Up and Down buttons (the and
icon, respectively). Reordering of rules allows you to specify the priority of rules from higher (a bottommost rule) to lower (a topmost rule).
•To enable/disable the required rule, use the corresponding check box on the left column.
•To create a new rule, click the Add button and select the required format condition. The calculated by combo box allows you to select the measure/dimension by whose values a format rule is applied.
•To filter format rules by the specified data item, use the Filter by combo box.
To clear all rules for the specified data item, use the Clear Rules button in the data item's context menu.