Hardware and Software Requirements

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Hardware and Software Requirements

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Please note the following requirements for installation of Plato Analysis for Windows. Plato Analysis comes in only a 64 bit edition.


Operating System


Windows 10 x64

Windows 11 x64


Processor Requirements


Intel Core Duo or higher recommended


Memory Requirements


Recommend 8 GB minimum. Querying for large datasets (~100000+ records) would require additional memory.


Space Requirements


A full installation of Plato Analysis will take up roughly 200MB on the target hard drive. Factor in additional storage requirements for saving of queried datasets, spreadsheets, dashboards, analyzer cubes, and reports that hold data.


Additional Requirements


Microsoft DotNet Framework 4.6.1.


Microsoft Access database engine (2010 English)


Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Runtime


Note: There may be some driver requirements depending on the database targets being queried. See any notes associated with the database target in its respective topic for this information.



Preparing for Installation


Administrator privilege


An installer must have administrator privilege to install various updates. This requirement ensures that Plato Analysis can be completely and safely installed.


Anti-virus and/or Firewall Software


Before you start the Installation Wizard, it is recommended that you close your antivirus and firewall software. Some anti‐virus and/or firewall configurations can prevent an application from installing successfully.


If you are unable to close the antivirus or firewall software, make sure that your configuration allows you to install software and to update the registry. If your SAS installation fails and antivirus or firewall software running, please check with your system administrator.


Notes for installing under Citrix


The program relies on the presence of Microsoft Excel and Word in order to open exported reports and analyzers. These applications would need to be available under the user’s Citrix context. Also, if they print directly from the program, the print spooler needs to be enabled under Citrix with printer definitions representing printers they would use.