Software Installation

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Software Installation

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Installation of the software is done via a Setup Wizard. Launch the executable setup program. A typical installation will run perfectly off the defaults used by the setup program, however, the user may override any of the setup parameters. The setup wizard provides easy to follow instructions for installing the product successfully.


A successful installation will install an icon launch a 64-bit version of the program. It will be captioned Plato Analysis Launcher (64 bit). The icon will look as follows...







At the end of the installation verify that all programs successfully installed through Windows Control Panel | Programs and Features. Ensure the following are present.

Microsoft .Net Framework 4.6.1

Microsoft Access database engine (2010 English)

Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Runtime

Plato Analysis


Editing the StartupConfig.xml file


In the destination installation directory, there will be a file called StartupConfig.xml. Copy this file into a network directory that will be reachable by all computers that will be using the Plato Analysis software. Once you have relocated this file, open the properties for the Plato Analysis Version 7 desktop icons and edit the Target line as follows…


"C:\[TargetInstallationDirectory]\PlatoAnalysisLauncher.exe" StartupConfig="[NetworkLocationOfFileDirectory]\StartupConfig.xml"


Where [TargetInstallationDirectory] is where the program was installed. This will already be correctly set by the installation program. [NetworkLocationOfFileDirectory] is where the StartupConfig.xml was relocated to. It should only be necessary to set the StartupConfig parameter. Surround the StartupConfig path with double quotes. The Target parameter line should all be contained to one continuous line.


Edit the contents of the relocated StartupConfig.xml file in a text editor. The file will look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>












An explanation of each XML element is as follows:


ApplicationRootDirectory – This is the root directory of the Plato Analysis System that holds the Objects database along with various subdirectories. It is customary to locate the rest of the XML elements under this directory (with the exception of UserSettings).

JavaFunctionsDirectory – This directory will hold the java extension classes used by Plato Analysis queries.

JavaScriptDirectory – This directory holds extension JavaScript files used by the Plato Analysis scripting engine.

JSSnippetsDirectory – This directory hold various JavaScript code snippets used by the Plato Analysis scripting engine.

UserSettingsDirectory – This directly will hold user specific settings, e.g. Program Appearance and other user specific program options. It will likely be located on the local C Drive of the user computer.

TemporaryFilesDirectory - A location to use for retrieval, compression, decompression, and saving of Plato Analysis objects. It is recommended to set this to a local folder, e.g. C:\Temp

TraceFile – A location of the trace file used to determine the status of the Plato Analysis Java Engine. Should be blank unless CPR Technologies support employs its use.

DebugFile – A location of the debug file used to output database output from Plato Analysis queries. Should be blank unless CPR Technologies support employs its use.


A sample config file using a network location with a mapped drive H: would look like the following.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8”?>







 <TraceFile>[Leave blank. This is set for diagnostic purposes]</TraceFile>

 <DebugFile>[Leave blank. This is set for diagnostic purposes]</DebugFile>



Ensure that each directory specified above exists.


Post Installation Setup


Sharing the Java Snippets

In the target installation directory there will be a folder called JSSnippets. Copy the contents to the JSSnippetsDirectory directory specified above in the config file.

Sharing the Java Extensions

Create the following subfolders under the folder specified in the JavaFunctionsDirectory. The Folder structure should look like the following…



Case is important. Note that the first Unity has a capital ‘U’, the second unity has a lowercase ‘u’.


Locate the folder



under the installation directory. Copy the contents of this folder (.class files) to the functions directory created above under the [JavaFunctionsDirectory].


Rename the functions directory under the installation folder



