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Whereas Standard Reports are static, and designed to satisfy most fundamental reporting requirements, the Analyzer is a unique and innovative tool that allows you to redefine the way you view your data. By being able to define new relationships instantly against large volumes of data, you now have unprecedented freedom in creating virtually any report. What was traditionally a painful task (if at all even possible) is now quick and easy.


The Analyzer is a tool used for retrieving and displaying huge amounts of data in a summarized and tabulated form that aids you in drawing accurate conclusions. The Analyzer is n-dimensional and is only limited by the available resources of the operating environment. This data is pulled from the Worksheets, tabulated, summarized and presented to you in a multi-dimensional data model. You may then manipulate the data view, move dimensions, change the order, add or subtract fields, and change calculation parameters and aggregate functions to better answer your analysis needs. Once you have manipulated the data in a view you desire, you may instantly generate Graphs for any or all of the data in various ways.


Here is a simple example of data represented in a traditional table view. Suppose we are evaluating four practitioners (1-4), against two specific Criterion. Here is how your table view would look:





Value (Yes, No)

Practitioner 1

Criterion 1


Practitioner 1

Criterion 2


Practitioner 2

Criterion 1


Practitioner 2

Criterion 2


Practitioner 3

Criterion 1


Practitioner 3

Criterion 2


Practitioner 4

Criterion 1


Practitioner 4

Criterion 2



The data above is a two dimensional view, one dimension is practitioner and the other is the Criterion under which they are being evaluated. Data Analyzer view provides a simpler and better focus on data than the above relational representation. An expanded view could show row and column totals providing a quick summary by practitioner and Criterion.



Criterion 1

Criterion 2


Practitioner 1




Practitioner 2




Practitioner 3




Practitioner 4





The Analyzer can be expanded to include more dimensions and more summary information. For example, additional dimensions might mean grouping the practitioners under their respective departments, and the Criterion under quarterly or monthly ranges. Additional summary information might include the total Criterion opportunities, positive and negative compliance percentages, and more. While the traditional table views that would represent this data would become unwieldy quickly, Data Analyzer will continue to provide quick and easy ways to view and analyze your data, regardless of the number of dimensions.


The Analyzer tools provide decision support information in a flexible format that you can manipulate and modify according to your analytical needs. Think n dimensionally!


The Analyzer may be run under the context of a Review Template where the data included would be for that Review Template only, or it may be run under the Global context, where you have the option of choosing one or more ReviewTemplate and Topics to include.


Criterion displayed in the Analyzer are controlled by the filter as set in the Topic Editor. To understand what Criterion will be displayed read Topics And Criterion.




To generate an Analyzer choose a Review Template or Global->Analyze->and then choose (Default). This will prompt you with a Analyzer Parameters dialog where you can specify the selection criterion for the Analyzer. If you would be using the same filter options again and again, you can create an Analyzer Template.


Once the Analyzer has been generated, it may be printed and exported for use by Third Party applications, e.g. Excel. It may also be saved for future use. Learn more at Saving And Recalling.