Worksheet Fields

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Worksheet Fields

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Worksheet Fields are placeholders to capture attributes at the Worksheet Header (e.g. Account Number, Admit Date, Practitioner) and Worksheet Criterion level (e.g. Practitioner, Event Date). Plato Data Analyzer Professional comes with a base of standard fields. The fields table may be add to, edited, or deleted from. This document describes the various types of fields and their components. To create Worksheet Fields see Managing Worksheet Fields. Once defined these fields can be included in a Review Template using Managing Review Template Assignment.


Types of Fields


Once a Worksheet Field has been defined of a particular type it can be changed only to some other types as depicted in the 'Can be changed to' column in the following table.






Can be changed to




Holds numerical data

Height, Age




Holds alphanumeric data

Account Number, Patient Name

Numeric, Date

1-50 user-defined

Attribution Type

Holds table values i.e. point to Attribution Type

Department, Specialty


Needs to be mapped to an Attribution Type, which has already been created


Holds date values

Review Date, Admit Date




Holds time values

Review Time





Text vs Attribution Type Fields: Whenever possible it is recommended that you choose Attribution Type fields over Text. By defining an Attribution Type instead of free-form Text field you can save time in data entry and prevent data entry errors by selecting from a table of values rather than entering free form text. For example, different users can enter the same information differently 'Jon' and 'John' for the same person. If this was established as an Attribution Type, they would select either 'Jon', or 'John' from a pre-defined table of values. Attribution Types also allow lookup list and search by IDs.


Text v/s Numeric Fields: Numeric fields are used to store numbers like height, weight, and age. When data is stored in a numeric field leading zeros are dropped. Thus if you intend to store 0730 in a numeric field it will be stored as 730 but in a text field as 0730.




Managing Worksheet Fields


When managing worksheet fields, the following components are defined:


oDescription: Name of the field. The name has to be unique and can be a maximum of 50 characters long.

oShort Description: Short description is the abbreviated version of Description. It can be a maximum of 10 characters and is used in place of the long description where space is at a premium.

oLength: The number of characters that can be entered for that field value. Length cannot be more than 50 characters.

oReview Specific: If a field is defined as review specific, and the same field is used in more than one Review Template, changing the value of this field in one Review Template will NOT change it in the other and vice-versa. Note that if a field is defined as Review specific it cannot be defined as a primary key. Example of a review specific field can be 'Review Date' as it is specific to a Review Template. Example of a non-review specific field can be 'Admit Date' or 'Patient Name' as it is not specific to a Review Template. Changing it in one Review Template will change it in the other review templates that use it.


Review Template Assignment


When selecting fields for use in a Review Template, the following components are present:


oPrimary Key: A primary key uniquely identifies a Worksheet; typically this is an Account Number or Episode Number. It is possible to define more than one field as a primary key e.g. a medical record number and admit date may be the primary key.


The order for the primary fields is important. When a value is entered for a primary field, and the user tabs out of the field, a search is performed allowing a list of choices for the user to select from if the search results were not unique. Assume Medical Record Number and Admit Date are defined as the 1st and 2nd primary fields. When the user enters the Medical Record Number value and tabs out of the field, all patients visits for that Medical Record Number will be pulled up and the user can choose the relevant record. On the other hand, if Admit Date is defined as the first primary field and Medical Record Number as the second one, all records for the Admit Date will be pulled up irrespective of the Medical Record Number, which is likely not intended.


With the ADT Interface, Worksheet Fields can automatically be populated from the ADT feeds from your host system. Only primary fields are used to perform this search.



oSystem performs primary key search for worksheets in the following order:


Search the focused Review Template to determine if there is a matching worksheet with the same values defined by the primary fields being entered. If it finds one, it will bring it up the worksheet in 'Edit' mode. (At that point, if a second primary field is defined, you can change it i.e. Admit Date, and the system will be changed to 'Add' a new worksheet within that template.

If no records are found in the focused Review Template, then it searches the Global Account table to see if it can find a worksheet matching the combination of primary fields being entered. If it finds it in Global Account, it will populate the worksheet with the information already stored in Global Account. If more than one matching records are found you can choose which worksheet you would like to work with, or “x” out. You can also escape out of the dialog box to add a new one. If the record is chosen from an existing record in another Review Template, header fields and the Topics between the two Review Templates will be linked to each other. Thus any changes made to the Review Specific fields in one Review Template will change the fields in another one. Similarly any changes to shared Topics and Criterion in one will affect the other.

If the above searches fail to produce records, it will check the ADT Interface data to determine if a record exists there. If so, it will populate the data from the interface.


oSticky: Sticky fields carry forward values from one worksheet to the next one when adding new worksheets. Primary fields cannot be defined as sticky as their values would typically change from one worksheet to another.


oMandatory: Defining a field as mandatory means that you will not be able to leave it blank at the time of data entry. Primary fields are automatically marked, as mandatory or in other words primary field can never be left blank. For example, practitioner and department will not be primary keys, but can be mandatory fields.


Primary, Sticky and Mandatory are defined at the Review Template level; hence a field can be mandatory in one Review Template and optional in another. Other components (Description, Short Description, Length, Review Specific) are applied at the global level and changing them will affect all Review Template.


Special Fields


Some fields have special significance and can be generated automatically.


oFacility: Each worksheet needs to have a Facility as the first field in its header. When creating worksheets it cannot be left blank as it ties in the Topic Rights. It also cannot be changed once Worksheet Data Entry has started. This field cannot be defined at the criterion level.


oUser: Once included in the worksheet header or the worksheet criterion, user field is automatically populated with the User who is performing the Worksheet Data Entry. The field is updated with the name of the User who performed the last update. See note below to decide whether to include it at the header or criterion level.


oUpdate Date: Once included in the Worksheet Header or the Worksheet Criterion, update date field is automatically populated with the date when data entry is done. The field is updated with the date when last update was done. See note below to decide whether to include it at the header or criterion level.


When included at the header level any change in the worksheet header or worksheet criterion will update this field. When included at the criterion level any update in a Criterion will update the user field for that Criterion only.


oAuto Generate: Defining a field as an Auto Generate field will automatically generate unique values. This can be very beneficial to be used as a primary key in a Review Template when no other unique field can be identified.


oLocked: Locked field controls whether a worksheet can be edited or deleted once locked. Once locked only users with 'Can Unlock Worksheets' can unlock a worksheet. This is a review-specific field, this means if a worksheet is locked in one Review Template it does not lock the worksheets in another Review Template, even if they are sharing the same primary keys. Locked worksheets also will not be updated from the interface, even if a field is marked as updatable in the interface configuration. This field cannot be defined at the criterion level.


oIs Summary Worksheet: A worksheet marked as summary represents a sum total aggregation of worksheets on reviews performed outside Plato Data Analyzer Professional. This field cannot be defined at the criterion level.