Field List Overview

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Field List Overview

Interface Elements for Desktop > Pivot Table > Field List Overview

Pivot Table provides a Field List form used to reorder and hide fields, sort and filter data, etc. For more information on how to invoke a Field List, see Invoke a Field List.

This topic describes Field List visual elements and layout.

Depending on Pivot Table settings made by your application vendor, Pivot Table can display either a simple or advanced Field List.

ExpandedCollapsed Simple Field List

The following picture shows a simple Field List.


A simple Field List contains the following visual elements:

Hidden Fields Section - contains headers of fields hidden from Pivot Table. Use it to display hidden fields.

Add Button - used to display a selected field in a specified Pivot Table area.

Pivot Table Area Combo Box - used to choose a Pivot Table area where the selected field will be displayed after you click the Add button.

Use a simple Field List to hide fields from Pivot Table and display hidden fields again.

For more information on operations available in a simple Field List, refer to the following topics:

Hide Fields Using a Field List

Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields

ExpandedCollapsed Advanced Field List

The following picture shows an advanced Field List.


An advanced Field List contains the following visual elements:

Hidden Fields Section - contains headers of fields hidden from Pivot Table. Use it to display hidden fields.

Filter, Column, Row and Data Area Sections - contains headers located in respective Pivot Table areas.

Defer Updates Check Box - used to enable/disable automatic Pivot Table updates (see Defer Pivot Table Updates).

Update Button - used to force Pivot Table to update (see Defer Pivot Table Updates).

Layout Button - used to invoke the Layout menu and change the Field List layout (see Change Field List Layout).

Use an advanced Field List to sort and filter data, reorder and hide visible fields, and show fields that have been hidden.

For more information on operations available in an advanced Field List, refer to the following topics:

Sort Data Using a Field List

Invoke a Filter Popup Window

Hide Fields Using a Field List

Display Hidden Pivot Table Fields

Reorder Fields Using a Field List

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