Find and Replace Worksheet Fields

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Find and Replace Worksheet Fields




Worksheet header and criterion field values can now be replaced across the board. For example by mistake you have created two physicians in the system for the same person and worksheets have been entered for both those physicians. You can now transfer all the worksheet assignments from one physician to another. This feature can also be used as global find and replace. Only users with 'Can manage System Tools' can use this feature and gets logged in event log.




Dialog find and replace worksheet fields



Worksheet Field: Choose the worksheet field you want to replace.


Find: Enter the existing value for the field.


Replace: Enter the new value for the field.


Review Template: Choose selected review templates or all.




oHeader: Check to replace in the worksheet header.


oCriterion: Check to replace in the worksheet criterion.


oDeactivate: For only fields of the type 'Attribution Type', you can choose to deactivate the object after it has been replaced. However note that the object will not be deactivated if all replacements could not be made


Replace & Deactivate Attribution Type Objects


A similar option is available for attribution type objects, by choosing the pop-up context menu from Managing Attribution Type Objects.


Dialog Replace and Deactivate Attribution Type Object