Filter Data by Cell Values

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Filter Data by Cell Values

Interface Elements for Desktop > Pivot Table > Data Presentation > Filter Data in Pivot Tables > Filter Data by Cell Values

The Pivot Table allows you to filter data by specifying a range of cell values that should be displayed. Values that do not fall into this range will be hidden.

Topics in this section describe how to configure filtering by cell values (or summary filtering).

The following topics are available.

Invoke a Summary Filter Window

Describes how to invoke a Summary Filter Window used to enable and configure filtering by cell values.

Select a Range of Values

Shows how to specify a range of cell values that should be displayed.

Move the Selected Range

Demonstrates how to select another range with the same length by moving the selection.

Zoom and Move the Viewport

Describes how to zoom and scroll the range selector.

Specify Target Cells

Shows how to enable filtering by Total and Grand Total cells.

Remove Filtering

Describes how to disable filtering.

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