Viewing the Event Log

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Viewing the Event Log

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Critical system changes are recorded in the event log. The three categories tracked are; System, Review Template and Global.




Attribution Type: Addition, deletion and modification to Attribution Types.


Property: Addition, deletion and modification to Attribution Properties.


Role: Addition, deletion and modification to Roles.


Worksheet Fields: Addition, deletion and modification to Worksheet Fields.


Login/out: Log On and out of User to the application.


Review Template


Review Template: Addition, deletion and renaming to Review Template.


Definition: Modification of Topics And Criterion to Review Template.


Worksheet: Deletion of worksheet from the Review Template.




Definition: Modification of Topics And Criterion to in Global Topic Editor.


Account: Deletion of worksheet from Global accounts.




To access the dialog click the File tab on the main Application Ribbon then click Event Log. Select the search parameters and click on the 'View' button to list the events for those parameters.


Event Log Dialog


Category: A major category for which to retrieve event records..


Type: Further narrow the search to a particular type of action or choose '(all)'.


Template: When category chosen is Review Template, you may choose a Review Template that you want to perform search on specificall or choose '(deleted') if Review Template is known to been deleted.


From Date: Starting date for the search, when left blank lists from the beginning.


To Date: Ending date for the search, when left blank lists to the end.